sunnuntai 19. toukokuuta 2013

Test drive

...on our garage floor. First few meters with the new engine and I have to say I'm quite excited. There's still no exhaust or intercooler, but now I suppose I could drive the car out from the garage to get them done.
Stance is just about right to my eye.
I also weighted the car and this is what scales say. Hood, exhaust, intercooler and some other bits and pieces are missing, but looks like the weight will be around 1000kg when ready. Not exactly a weight weenie but not knowing the original weight I still think it's in leagal limits. Weight distribution is 53/47 and with me on the driver's seat it's 50.3/49.7 so not bad at all.

2 kommenttia:

  1. OK, toi 1050kg on varmaan ilman kuskia. Ei se varmaan tuon yli nouse, kun saan kaikki puuttuvat osat paikalleen.
