After trying to tune the car on the road quite unsuccesfully I decided to take it to dyno again. First pull was a big disappointment as the boost control did not work at all, boost was jumping between 0.9 - 1.5 bar and there was no power at all. I would have hoped to see stable 1.7bar. We couldn't get the controller working so I replaced the solenoid with simple T joint and that stabilized the boost to 1.35bar but not higher. With that we had more than enough already but still decided to play with ignition advance a bit. 2 degrees gained 69 hp and even the tuner was a bit surprised. We then added 2 more degrees and again over 15 hp more power and 20nm torque. Intake temps were so high, more than 60C at some point, that we decided to leave it like it is now and try with 1.7bar when the weather cools down a lot. So all in all we gained 195hp and 210nm in 60 minutes, that equals 2.2kg/hp for now. And with 0.4bar street tune I headed to Kiikala Airfield for friday night to see Jyrki test his pro mod's chute and clutch. I also did some test runs myself with rolling start and the car pulls quite OK. I didn't want to break the R180 as I still had to drive the car home so no time slips this time. I suppose I have no other choice than to change the diff and clutch quite soon, hopefully before the old ones break.
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